Good Evening! Is has been a long time since i have written here, yes? So, here we go! (not in German)
Well I last left off with my weekend in Prague and the start of my research. Man that feels like yesterday but that was almost two weeks ago! The halfway point has come and gone and we are approaching the two weeks mark. Crazy stuff man. Anyways, last weekend I didn't go anywhere. I was actually getting over a head cold I have had since last wednesday and it just started to clear up yesterday. Needless to say the combination of traveling and lack of sleep probably caused it but I'm better now so no worries! Nothing really that interesting happening here, wake up at 830ish and get to the lab around 10am work till 15-17, then depending on when I get out from the lab I'll go back to Schunter for an hour or two then its off to class for two hours starting at 18. after that I make dinner, yes i know i have dinner at 20 but dinner here is more like lunch. After making dinner I either hang out in the kitchen talking with friends or talking to friends back home. Thats really all my life has been since research started haha. Kinda boring. Oh and here are a few pictures of research:
My Laboratory! Well I share it with like 3 other students. My mentor, Sebastian, is a phD student and so is Reinhilde and Matios is a masters student if i remember right. As you can see its a rather small space and lacking in many things. Well to you it may look like a normal lab but to me its rather different. Like the balance room and chemical room are wayyyy down the hall along with all of the lab equipment (like flasks, graduated cylinders, etc). Also we typically make the media (things cells live in/on) in here or do some transfer of bacteria. Sidenote: Working sterile means working about 2 inches from a Bunsen Burner (somewhere around like 900 degrees C!!!), suprisingly enough I have yet to burn myself...keyword being yet haha. But yeah, our lab is fun and we typically always have music playing : D.
PCR! aka Polymerase Chain Reaction, is an experiment we do to get DNA separated from the cells and what not. What you see is actually the product (the little vials in the pink/red/whatever color that is dish on ice) and we are going to test it using electrophoresis. Basically create a gel (the clear looking thing with the white "bar" going across with the black ends) and put a marker and the DNA you got in it and run electrical current through it. This separates the different DNA strands based on how big they are. The farther they are from the start the shorter they are. This is just one of the things ive been doing the past 2ish weeks.So plans for weekend and next week:
Weekend, we are planning to head up to the Nordsee (North Sea) and spend Saturday just going around, no real plan haha. I think on Monday we are going to try and have an international potluck, and I will try my hand at making pasties haha.
Next week Sebastian says that I will be getting my own personal project to work on for the week so I will learn more about that on Friday of this weekend and Monday of next.
Well thats all i have for now hopefully I will give an update on Sunday or Monday! Bis Dann!
Random Things:
1. So you know when you get weeds that grow through cracks in the sidewalk? normally you would get the weed killer or the spade and dig them out. Not here, while they do have the spade crew I saw yesterday a dude with a FLAMETHROWER on the median of the road just torching weeds. Epic!
2. So many languages! This past week during class we had a random guy come in asking where something was or a person was on french. Ok let me tell you, in my class we have obviously German covered, we also have Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish, Polish and English. Now this dude doesn't know German, knows Spanish and French only. So the guys from Brazil try what spanish they know but it doesn't help. Our teacher know a little french but that didn't help either. Now your asking where is the dude that knows spanish? he was late and missed the guy by like 5 mins. But thats beside the point, we had almost every language covered in one room of 11 people!!!
3. A bus actually waited for me? yeah, exactly. Ok to set the scene we have to cross the street to get the the bus stop which is right to the right of the light. So as I'm waiting to cross the road the bus comes and I can't cross becuase the traffic is to heavy. Then as the bus driver pulls away from the bus stop he looks at me and does the motion of "you want on?" and im like "yeah!" so he crosses the light then PULLS OFF THE ROAD FOR ME. I told this to Sebastian and he was like wait, what? and I was like yea! haha crazyness!
Pictures of the Days:
Ok out of this mess, the only things of importance are the 4 flasks in the white box and the four tin foil top covered flasks in the middle. We did this cause Sebastian wanted to create a slanted media in the media. Needless to say good thing I was there with my engineering skills or he would have broken something haha.
Ok as proof of horrible hairstyles here, here is a picture. This isn't bad, I've seen dreaded mullets, a single dread on the back of the neck and much more random things, i just couldn't get pictures then
For a good German Song listen to this:
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