Hope this post finds you all healthy and in good spirits! Not a whole lot going down right now in the SENSE program. We are in our last week of 6 hour a day German classes and next week we get to start the real reasons why we came here! WOOO, 8 hours a day in a research lab! haha I don't know, it will be interesting to say the least. We don't even know where our labs are or who we are under so I get the feeling Sunday we will get an email or a facebook post saying that all the bio kids gather on Monday morning so we can show you were to go haha. Hopefully it will be fun : D .
Anyways, the biggest thing this weekend was that almost all of us went to Berlin for the weekend. Note to self: Never travel in that large of a group ever again. So many people! but anyways we head out from the Braunschweig Hauptbahnhoff at around 7 am and roll into Berlin around 11. Now for the next hour we walk around trying to find our hostel, well I should say it that way, we knew where it was we just missed the street so it took us longer to get there haha. So we get there and drop off our stuff and head out on the town. Now if you have ever tried walking with 30 people you know not everyone walks at the same speed. Well the Robidou family breeds true in me cause we eventually split off into groups and i was with the speed walkers haha. It was like point and shoot, but more like keep walking point and shoot hha.
This is the Hauptbahnhoff in Berlin! It is almost all glass, its crazy!
Made it to the Hostel! haha It was really hot this weekend like upper 80s without a cloud in the sky. Needless to say even the Texas people were complain haha
The room in the hostel! There were another two sets of bunks behind me, plus our own shower and toilet.
Ok, All around Berlin are these bears and they are painted differently, so I had to get a picture rubbing the belly of at least one haha.
Fishing in the sewers of Berlin?
On the left, a really old museum, and on the right is an really old cathedral that there was a wedding in! One of the SENSE people went in and it was actually a Spanish wedding presided over by a German priest with translation being done during the ceremony haha
So much construction!
The US and Columbia playing Frisbee in front of the Brandenburg Gate? oh the USSR joined later too hahaha.
The Holocost Memorial in Berlin. It is a really cool place.
The first thing you see when you walk into the museum under the memorial pictured above.
Original Berlin Wall.
These stones represent where the Wall stood, they run exactly where the Wall stood throughout Berlin.
At the East Side Galley artists were given parts of the wall to paint.
One of the original paints from when the wall was actually being torn down.
So that was my trip to Berlin in a nutshell! Also a side note is that I am really glad i took the earlier train back to Braunschweig casue the later train, people got kicked off the train for some reason like 25 miles before Braunschweig and had to get cabs back and didn't get back till 2am. Did I mention they had class at 830? haha. Good times this past weekend and more to come! A group of us are driving to Prague, Czech Republic for a 3 day weekend there! ROAD TRIP! haha Needless to say it will be interesting and yes we will have GPS in the car haha. That's all for now folks! Bis Dann!
Random Things:
1. Cashiers at the supermarkets get chairs! I'm jealous!
2. So bikes are big, so is smoking, though I will never get over people smoking while riding a bike....or drinking a beer why riding a bike haha.
3. I actually have a lot of random things i want to say but i can never remember them!!!!
Picture of the Day!
A police charter bus? Confused? very much so....
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